Allan's YCDTOTV Trading Page
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This is my YCDTOTV Tape Trading Page. As I get more YCDTOTV episodes, I will update my lists. If you have something that I do not, please e-mail me at by using the contact page or one of the e-mail links. Please visit all of my pages and enjoy!

Site Updates
I will put a star next to any new episodes I receive. Also, check the What's New page for new episodes and lists of what are coming. All of the episodes I have are listed in the "Allan's YCDTOTV Episodes" page.

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All images on this site may be borrowed, but please give credit to my site with a link. I also have .WMV versions of the complete slimings to most of the pictures here(you can access them by clicking the picture, but you must be in my Yahoo Groups to access them). I also have encoded all of my episodes into .WMV files and they can be viewed on a computer.
E-mail Me

Visit the message board (link below) and post your YCDTOTV Episode list and the episodes that you are looking for! If there is something specific you want, e-mail me and ask. I have things that are not listed on this site and can sometimes get things from other people.

Your Episode Lists